Time for you to have the opportunity to express your thoughts, views, and/or opinions on this image/illustration. Answer,Comment and Ask is appropriate at this moment.
What type of cartoon is this?

Who are the people and what are they doing?

Why do you think someone would create this?

What is the message behind this cartoon?

Have you heard of the medieval social class system of France known as The Old Regime? Tell me about what you know about this topic. Also do you notice any differences and similarities from both diagrams/charts? Feel free to post your response to these questions.

News Stories 


In case you are curious for news stories. What do you think of this and what stories do you like or dislike?
Do you know who was Napoleon Bonaparte? If not, then you have to watch this right now. You can even learn more about him if you'd like to by researching him. Feel free to comment on what you just watched about Napoleon Bonaparte.
Watch this video on the national anthem of France. See if you can uncover the message of the song. Enjoy!


    Jesse Guaman
    Owner and Creator of apartoffrancehistory.weebly.com
    Please feel free to comment on this blog here. Make sure the comments are appropriate, realistic,and honest when posted. Thank you.


    January 2014

